lowrappers::Address | A wrapper for Liblo's lo_address |
wonderlo::WonderOscSender | A lowrappers::Address implementing the wonder::OscSender interface |
wonderlo::WonderOscSenderThread | A thread implementing the wonder::OscSenderThread interface |
wonderlo::WonderOscServerSenderThread | A WonderOscSenderThread thread, sending its messages from a specified lowrappers::ServerThread's port |
wonderlo::WonderOscServerSender | A lowrappers::Address implementing the wonder::OscSender interface, sending its messages from a specified lowrappers::ServerThread's port |
AudioProcessor | |
SpaopAudioProcessor | The SPAOP-plugin's processor class |
AudioProcessorEditor | |
SpaopAudioProcessorEditor | [Comments] |
ButtonListener | |
ConnectionComponent | [Comments] |
SourceParamComponent | [Comments] |
SpaopAudioProcessorEditor | [Comments] |
ChangeListener | |
SourceParamComponent | [Comments] |
wonder::Colour | A struct representing a (RGB) colour |
wonder::Colours | A class that contains various Colour constants |
Component | |
wonderjuce::ComponentWithFocusPoint | An abstract class extending juce::Component, adding methods to query a "focus point" |
wonderjuce::SourceDisplay | An abstract class for a GUI component that displays a two-dimensional view of WONDER sources and the speaker arrays |
wonderjuce::SourcePanel | A GUI component that displays a two-dimensional view of a source's position and allows the re-positioning by mouse actions |
wonderjuce::SpaopEditorComponent | An abstract class for GUI subcomponents of the SpaopAudioProcessorEditor |
ConnectionComponent | [Comments] |
SourceParamComponent | [Comments] |
wonder::ConnectionTimer | An interface defining a cyclic timer (to be used as a watchdog for connection timeouts) along with listener and factory interfaces |
wonderjuce::JuceConnectionTimer | An implementation of wonder::ConnectionTimer using the Timer class of JUCE |
wonder::VisualStreamReceiver::Factory | A factory class that creates VisualStreamReceiver instances |
wonder::ConnectionTimer::Factory | An interface for a factory class that creates ConnectionTimers |
wonder::PingControl::Listener | A listener class for callbacks in case loss of connection is detected |
wonder::SourceController | The main communication node that keeps track of all virtual sources and enables the host DAW to control one of them |
wonderjuce::SourcePanel::Listener | A class for receiving callbacks from a SourcePanel |
SpaopAudioProcessorEditor | [Comments] |
lowrappers::ServerThread::Listener | A listener interface for listeners to be called by the ServerThread when incoming OSC messages are received |
lowrappers::GenericServerThreadListener< T > | A generic functor class for the ServerThread::Listener interface |
wonder::SourceController::Listener | An interface for a listener that listens to various callbacks triggered by incoming messages or connection timeout alerts |
SpaopAudioProcessor | The SPAOP-plugin's processor class |
Listener | |
ConnectionComponent | [Comments] |
SourceParamComponent | [Comments] |
wonder::VisualStreamReceiver::Listener | A listener interface that can be registered with the VisualStreamReceiver |
wonder::SourceController | The main communication node that keeps track of all virtual sources and enables the host DAW to control one of them |
wonder::ConnectionTimer::Listener | A listener that must be notified by the timer on timeout |
wonder::PingControl | A class for connection timeout control |
lowrappers::Message | A wrapper of Liblo's lo_message |
wonderlo::MessageWithPath | A lowrappers::Message object that holds additional information about its destination OSC path |
wonder::OscSender | An abstract class describing the interface for a class that sends out the WONDER-specific OSC-messages |
wonder::OscSenderThread | An interface for a thread implementing the OscSender interface |
wonderlo::WonderOscSenderThread | A thread implementing the wonder::OscSenderThread interface |
wonderlo::WonderOscSender | A lowrappers::Address implementing the wonder::OscSender interface |
wonder::VisualStreamReceiver::PingHandler | Another listener interface especially for incoming ping messages |
wonder::SourceController | The main communication node that keeps track of all virtual sources and enables the host DAW to control one of them |
wonder::Room | A class containing the wonder-specific information about a room (name and vertices) |
SliderListener | |
SourceParamComponent | [Comments] |
SpaopAudioProcessorEditor | [Comments] |
wonder::Source | A class for objects representing a WONDER source with all its properties |
wonder::SourceCollection | A container class holding multiple sources (IDs 0 to maxSources-1), accessible via their sourceIDs |
wonderlo::StreamMulticaster | A StreamMulticaster forwards any OSC messages that are sent to its StreamInPort to a multicast group |
thread::Thread | A wrapper for the std::thread wrapping it into a Java-style thread object |
lowrappers::ServerThread | A server thread with Liblo-style callback capabilities |
wonderlo::VSReceiver | An OscServer-Thread that calls the message-handling methods of a VisualStreamCallInterface object |
wonderlo::WonderOscSenderThread | A thread implementing the wonder::OscSenderThread interface |
Timer | |
SpaopAudioProcessorEditor | [Comments] |
wonderjuce::JuceConnectionTimer | An implementation of wonder::ConnectionTimer using the Timer class of JUCE |
wonder::Room::Vertex | A struct describing a vertex with its three coordinates |
Viewport | |
wonderjuce::ZoomPort | A GUI component that wraps another ComponentWithFocusPoint, adding the ability to zoom in and out and to scroll |
wonderjuce::SourceZoomPort | A ZoomPort that contains a SourcePanel |
wonder::VisualStreamReceiver | An interface defining an OSC server thread that receives and handles the messages sent via WONDER's "visual stream" |
wonderlo::VSReceiver | An OscServer-Thread that calls the message-handling methods of a VisualStreamCallInterface object |
wonderjuce::XmlFactory | A class with static functions to create XmlElements from Objects, create Objects from XmlElements and set existing Objects to the values given in an XmlElement |
wonder::XmlParser | An interface defining a class that sets the parameters of one or several sources from an XML formatted string describing a cWONDER project (as defined in cwonder_project.dtd) |