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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNlowrappersA namespace for C++ wrappers for the Liblo library
|oCAddressA wrapper for Liblo's lo_address
|oCGenericServerThreadListenerA generic functor class for the ServerThread::Listener interface
|oCMessageA wrapper of Liblo's lo_message
|\CServerThreadA server thread with Liblo-style callback capabilities
| \CListenerA listener interface for listeners to be called by the ServerThread when incoming OSC messages are received
oNparsetoolsA namespace for tools for manipulation and validation of user input strings
oNthreadA namespace for C++ wrappers of basic multithreading objects
|\CThreadA wrapper for the std::thread wrapping it into a Java-style thread object
oNwonderA namespace for library- and system-independent WONDER-related classes
|oCColourA struct representing a (RGB) colour
|oCColoursA class that contains various Colour constants
|oCConnectionTimerAn interface defining a cyclic timer (to be used as a watchdog for connection timeouts) along with listener and factory interfaces
||oCFactoryAn interface for a factory class that creates ConnectionTimers
||\CListenerA listener that must be notified by the timer on timeout
|oCOscSenderAn abstract class describing the interface for a class that sends out the WONDER-specific OSC-messages
|oCOscSenderThreadAn interface for a thread implementing the OscSender interface
|oCPingControlA class for connection timeout control
||\CListenerA listener class for callbacks in case loss of connection is detected
|oCRoomA class containing the wonder-specific information about a room (name and vertices)
||\CVertexA struct describing a vertex with its three coordinates
|oCSourceA class for objects representing a WONDER source with all its properties
|oCSourceCollectionA container class holding multiple sources (IDs 0 to maxSources-1), accessible via their sourceIDs
|oCSourceControllerThe main communication node that keeps track of all virtual sources and enables the host DAW to control one of them
||\CListenerAn interface for a listener that listens to various callbacks triggered by incoming messages or connection timeout alerts
|oCVisualStreamReceiverAn interface defining an OSC server thread that receives and handles the messages sent via WONDER's "visual stream"
||oCFactoryA factory class that creates VisualStreamReceiver instances
||oCListenerA listener interface that can be registered with the VisualStreamReceiver
||\CPingHandlerAnother listener interface especially for incoming ping messages
|\CXmlParserAn interface defining a class that sets the parameters of one or several sources from an XML formatted string describing a cWONDER project (as defined in cwonder_project.dtd)
oNwonderjuceA namespace for (reusable) WONDER-related classes that are based on the JUCE library
|oCComponentWithFocusPointAn abstract class extending juce::Component, adding methods to query a "focus point"
|oCJuceConnectionTimerAn implementation of wonder::ConnectionTimer using the Timer class of JUCE
|oCSourceDisplayAn abstract class for a GUI component that displays a two-dimensional view of WONDER sources and the speaker arrays
|oCSourcePanelA GUI component that displays a two-dimensional view of a source's position and allows the re-positioning by mouse actions
||\CListenerA class for receiving callbacks from a SourcePanel
|oCSourceZoomPortA ZoomPort that contains a SourcePanel
|oCSpaopEditorComponentAn abstract class for GUI subcomponents of the SpaopAudioProcessorEditor
|oCXmlFactoryA class with static functions to create XmlElements from Objects, create Objects from XmlElements and set existing Objects to the values given in an XmlElement
|\CZoomPortA GUI component that wraps another ComponentWithFocusPoint, adding the ability to zoom in and out and to scroll
oNwonderloA namespace for liblo-based implementations of the OSC communication interfaces defined in namespace wonder
|oCMessageWithPathA lowrappers::Message object that holds additional information about its destination OSC path
|oCStreamMulticasterA StreamMulticaster forwards any OSC messages that are sent to its StreamInPort to a multicast group
|oCVSReceiverAn OscServer-Thread that calls the message-handling methods of a VisualStreamCallInterface object
|oCWonderOscSenderA lowrappers::Address implementing the wonder::OscSender interface
|oCWonderOscSenderThreadA thread implementing the wonder::OscSenderThread interface
|oCWonderOscServerSenderA lowrappers::Address implementing the wonder::OscSender interface, sending its messages from a specified lowrappers::ServerThread's port
|\CWonderOscServerSenderThreadA WonderOscSenderThread thread, sending its messages from a specified lowrappers::ServerThread's port
oCSpaopAudioProcessorThe SPAOP-plugin's processor class