28 #include "JuceHeader.h"
30 namespace wonderjuce {
139 static XmlElement*
float zoomFactor,
bool showOthers,
bool showNames);
149 virtual ~JuceXmlParser();
static XmlElement * createConnectionXml(const wonder::SourceController *controller)
Creates an XmlElement representing a wonder::SourceController's connection state. ...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:204
A container class holding multiple sources (IDs 0 to maxSources-1), accessible via their sourceIDs...
Definition: SourceCollection.h:37
static wonder::XmlParser * getParser()
Singleton-getter for a wonder::XmlParser implementation that wraps the corresponding static functions...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:24
static XmlElement * createGuiXml(float zoomFactor, bool showOthers, bool showNames)
Creates an XmlElement that holds the parameters of a SPAOP gui that need to be stored.
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:214
static void updateSourceControllerFromXml(const XmlElement *connectionElement, wonder::SourceController *controller)
Sets the properties of a wonder::SourceController to the values given in an XmlElement that was creat...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:186
static void updateSourceFromCWonderProject(const std::string &cwProjectXml, wonder::Source *source)
Sets the properties of a wonder::Source object to the values given in an XML formatted string describ...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:59
static void updateSourceCollectionFromCWonderProject(const std::string &cwProjectXml, wonder::SourceCollection &sources)
Sets the properties of a wonder::SourceCollection to the values given in a cWONDER project XML string...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:86
A class containing the wonder-specific information about a room (name and vertices).
Definition: Room.h:35
static const wonder::Room createRoomFromXml(const XmlElement *roomElement)
Creates a wonder::Room object from an XmlElement that was created by the createRoomFromXml method...
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:161
A class for objects representing a WONDER source with all its properties.
Definition: Source.h:60
static void updateSourceFromXml(const XmlElement *sourceElement, wonder::Source *source)
Sets the properties of a wonder::Source object to the values given in an XML element.
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:30
A class with static functions to create XmlElements from Objects, create Objects from XmlElements and...
Definition: XmlFactory.h:37
The main communication node that keeps track of all virtual sources and enables the host DAW to contr...
Definition: SourceController.h:42
static XmlElement * createSourceXml(const wonder::Source &source)
Creates an XmlElement representing a WONDER source as defined in cwonder_project.dtd.
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:118
static XmlElement * createRoomXml(const wonder::Room &room)
Creates an XmlElement representing a wonder::Room object.
Definition: XmlFactory.cpp:137
An interface defining a class that sets the parameters of one or several sources from an XML formatte...
Definition: XmlParser.h:30