For a recent project, I wanted to use the Github project page of the repository to host the documentation I generated from the source code using Doxygen. So since a Github-page’s content has to be placed in the root directory of the gh-pages
branch, the task was to find an elegant way to generate the html documentation from the master
branch into the gh-pages
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During my time at university (relevant classes were in 2013), the C++11 standard was not mentioned at all. What I got to learn in depth were the problems one could face in C++ trying to make things thread-safe, even though a lot of those problems have been dealt with within the new standard. (Addendum: reading this again, I feel I make my university look worse than it was. Most courses were up-to-date, often adopting new standards in their beta phases. But C++ was an exception, certainly due to the fact that it was not a big part of the curriculum anyway.) [Read more...]
So this is my personal GitHub page. So far, I only used this to get familiar with Jekyll and GitHub pages. However, I hope to post some more relevant content in the future. [Read more...]